

Happy 1024 everyone! Today is one of the greatest days on the planet.

An anti-promular festivities created for the sole identification of the acknowledgement of the undenial truth, heretofore referred to as, "Arbitration" that fateful day when braven souls decided willfully and undeniably marked the end of nomalcy of the tyranny of that which is high-schoolular edicts brought upon by the Evil Corporation, Judsonco, Newtondor, et.al.

It's hard to believe that over fifteen years have passed since we were a bunch of goofballs taking not-so-serious things seriously and vice versa. Arbitration realigned these discrepencies and it is used to this day by all Arbitrators to perform the Jig of Life.

So celebrate with your friends your family your loved ones your pets. If there is one day out of the year to be joyous, it is today.


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