
Starfield Road

I'm still not getting much out of d20 Apocalypse, probably because I don't have d20 Future.

There are three settings in the book:

1. Earth Inherited - heaven and hell open up on Earth
2. Atomic Sunrise - classic nuclear holocaust
3. Plague World - alien invasion + disease

of course the three are described in about 30 pages... It's all pretty dry, rules heavy and I would recommend it only to the die-hard post-apocalypse fan. There are some rules that will be useful but only bits and pieces (eg. gear and environmental hazards which btw are covered in both GWd20 and DW).

so I decided to go with mostly Darwin's World for the setting materials, and most likely most of the ruleset as well.

The more I read Darwin's World stuff, the more I respect the creator, Dominic Covey. Who is this guy? He doesn't do anything but Darwin's World. He's got a real passion for his game, and I can imagine asking him what factions are at war say, in the Pacific Northwest and he could tell me in an instant not only which tribes/groups and what weapons they use, but also their diets and such. I think I will send him a fanmail.

I'm also getting back into old Avalon Hill wargames. One of my co-worker/friend is really into boardgames and I got him interested in Tac Air, a game of "modern" air-land battles in Germany. It's dated for sure, but it's a fascinating management/tactical game. The players have to consider such things as tanks, air defense, air support, artillery, command, and supply.

Next post I want to rant about why Sonic Youth's "Sugar Kane" sounds so familiar and why they rock in general.

My first car was a 88 Honda CRX:

It looks very similar to the red one above... except it didn't have a sun roof, or the alloy wheels, or the more powerful 1.6 liter si engine, but it was a blast. My father bought it for me in high school. At the time I pleaded him to upgrade it to an si , but he replied, "You have all the power you need." Ah well, it was worth a try. I am so grateful to my parents who encouraged my passion for automobiles and sacrificed quite a bit to get me the CRX.


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