
short circuit

My primary desktop computer shorted out today. Or that's what it looks like. Somewhere between the Power Switch connector and the motherboard there is a strange short. When I brush the contacts with each other, the power comes on for about 3 seconds before it shuts down. As long as there is a temporary contact the power comes on. I've switched the power supply so it's not that.

Alors, I've been meaning to get a tablet PC anyways... and my brother just got a nice IBM X41 Thinkpad so he's supposed to give me his "old" PC (which is still way faster than my current dead one).

Until then, I've got my IBM T30 on a loan from work. It's not a bad laptop at all. The only sucky thing is that I have a CAT5 cable running all the way from the hallway to my room to my bed. I guess it's not too bad that I can work on The Internet from my bed.


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