

yup, I've gotten superstitious and now when I want to make sure of something, I check it THR33 times. I'll rinse out Lindsay's bowl 3 times, I'll splash my face 3 times after a shave, I'll double-click on a mouse 3 times. yup. Trivial things mostly.

It just feels complete and it's some kind of extra insurance. It's stupid but true.


Blogger onebeat said...

My favorite is "I'll double-click on a mouse 3 times."

Triple click?

1:14 AM  
Blogger Andy said...

ah wait, so it's basically giving that double click on extra click so triple-click. yes.

9:59 AM  
Blogger Andy said...

just because there needs to be one more comment to make it 3.

11:53 AM  

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