
Doctor's Orders

So as I mentioned earlier, I've developed a semi-obsession of cleaning and organizing my living quarters.

Ever since Leah moved out, I've been mostly getting rid of rpgs (listed on my forums), magazines (I threw away my entire collection of Fine Scale Modeler), old PC games (gave it away), etc. I mean, I am I hoarding them? At one point I may have thought that I would play or use them again someday but thanks to 1. the internet and 2. my age - I know better. Hoarding leads to... well, just a bunch of stuff.

So now that I've gotten rid of stuff I don't need, I am stuck with the stuff I use. I can finally walk into my closet and even do a spin move if I choose to do so. I found perfectly good clothes that I had forgotten about.

I cleaned out the common closet. Consolidated junk (common junk cannot simply be thrown out) and rearranged mostly shoes.

Now that I've developed this habit, it's kind of self-feeding. It's a momentum that I'm enjoying at the moment and I don't mind that it takes up my time.


Blogger Andy said...

I have so many that I'm losing focus. I still have about 16 rpg settings... So percentage wise, I'm only getting rid of like 10% AND I'm about to purchase Iron Heroes. Mike Mearls really should be involved in D&D 4th edition.

11:53 PM  

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