
rock stuff

I went to Tower Records yesterday to redeem my $10 gift coupon for buying a $50 gift coupon (for my brother). They had 3 copies of the Woods and 1 copy of One Beat... but no more the Hot Rock! Just about two days ago there was a copy right there. I asked the clerk if he showed any in stock and he told me there was one.

We went to the rack and he did some rummaging through the racks near S-K and there it was. I was impressed to comment, "That's awesome!" I searched the sides, but never thought of diagnals.

I only heard it once and it sounds very different from both the previous cd, Dig Me Out and the cd after, All Hands on the Bad One. It sounds the most experimental" of the five CDs I've heard. I'll check it out again tonight.

a dream I had two nights before I picked up the CD:
I was rummaging through the music/video collection (it was on sale) when I found two laserdics on S-K. One was a Criterion edition with a lavender case.
As I rushed home to see them, I saw Corin, Carrie and someone else (not Janet) in a white pickup truck across the street. I ran up to them to get my discs autographed. Corin was very nice and Carrie signed it, "from Me"

I almost named my guitar Lindsay but eventually picked Carrie.


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